Video and audio

Arthur Taylor – Witness statement
Arthur Taylor’s witness statement to the Royal Commission regarding Abuse in Care
Arthur Taylor – A top bloke!
Guy Williams interviews Arthur Taylor about prison life, falling through ceilings and his scaffolding company in Dunedin.
On the run: New Zealand’s greatest prison escapes
Listen to this episode from A Moment In Crime on Spotify.
Real Prison Breaks – S01E05 | Full Documentary | True Crime
The Alacatraz escape they didn’t want you know about and a modern day Count of Monte Cristo breaks out of Monaco’s 17th century prison. Narrated by Sean Bean, Real Prison Breaks investigates cases from across the United Kingdom, USA, Australia and New Zealand.
Arthur Taylor – Mr. A. T. (Taylor’s Wailers) (1992 Full Album)
Alto Saxophone – Abraham Burton
Bass – Tyler Mitchell
Drums – Arthur Taylor
Piano – Marc Cary
Tenor Saxophone – Willie Williams (8)
IJWT – Arthur Taylor – Transferred Unconscious takes on the DOC and Crown interview, incl footage
Arthur Taylor on smuggling
Career criminal and jailhouse lawyer Arthur Taylor describes how smuggling works within New Zealand prisons.
Arthur Taylor says Winston Peters biggest barrier to prisoners’ right to vote
Former long time inmate Arthur Taylor believes the biggest barrier to giving prisoners the right to vote is Winston Peters.
Arthur Taylor – 22 November 2020 – NZ Police Dog Handlers Paul Fleck and Brandon Ross IPCA 2-4 month
Just a little snap interview with Arthur while being dogged by Mall security for recording in a publicly accessible area.
In Justice We Trust – Steve talks with Arthur Taylor about Dept. Of Correction and More!
Steve has an impromptu Chat with Arthur Taylor while he was briefly in Auckland. During which a double homicide happened just down the road, however that is in another clip.
Arthur Taylor wants to name jailhouse snitch
The career criminal Arthur Taylor wants to name a jailhouse snitch who gave evidence against David Tamihere – saying the man committed perjury. Edward Gay joins Checkpoint.
Former criminal Arthur Taylor gets ready to settle in Dunedin
High-profile prisoner and social justice campaigner Arthur Taylor has arrived to his new home in Dunedin.
Human Rights Advocate – Arthur Taylor – Interview 30 May 2020 – Part 1 – The Crack Cop
Arthur tells us about the Cop that see cracks and issues tickets, this interview was recorded just 3 days before he was taken back to Prison, he is now out currently.
New Zealand Police – SC Brendon Ross Beats and Threatens to Kill/Chew Boy in roof, and more!
I might add a correction, Bendon may be saying Chew you, not kill you, you the viewer can decide.
CCTV shows jail attack that led to mass strip search
The strip search of 209 prisoners over two days was at the centre of a court case last month where two of the country’s most notorious inmates, Arthur Taylor and Phillip John Smith, argued it was unlawful.
CCTV shows jail attack that led to mass strip search
The strip search of 209 prisoners over two days was at the centre of a court case last month where two of the country’s most notorious inmates, Arthur Taylor and Phillip John Smith, argued it was unlawful.
Arthur Taylor fighting for prisoner voting rights
Denying prisoners the right to vote is a breach of the Treaty of Waitangi. That’s the argument that’ll be heard next week in a judicial review next week.
Arthur Taylor – 22 November 2020 – Thoughts on Paula being trespassed from Public Courthouse
Arthur shares his thoughts on our friend Paula Gray being trespassed without justification from her local courthouse. More on this matter will follow.
In Justice We Trust – Steve talks with Arthur Taylor about Dept. Of Correction and More!
Steve has an impromptu Chat with Arthur Taylor while he was briefly in Auckland. During which a double homicide happened just down the road, however that is…
Human Rights Advocate – Arthur Taylor – Interview 30 May 2020 – Part 3 – Police, Jacinda and more!
Part 3 of an interview with Steve Evans of Families 4 Justice and Arthur Taylor, released after 22 years from prison and a very learned man when it comes to …
Arthur Taylor: From ‘breaking’ the law to ‘enforcing’ it
Career criminal Arthur Taylor says he’s going to put the same “characteristics and abilities” he used to break the law into enforcing it, now he’s been released from prison.
Human Rights Advocate – Arthur Taylor – Interview 30 May 2020 – Part 2 Countdown to Unlawful Claim
In this part we show Arthur’s run in with a couple of uneducated and unprofessional Constables, and the misinterpretations they have.
Jailhouse Lawyer – Arthur Taylor – Victimized by Police after they harass 2 young women at Countdown
In this clip, after seeing 2 young women being harassed by NZ Police at Countdown in Wellington, Arthur Taylor assists the women.
Arthur Taylor NZ Prison Life – TVNZ Sunday Show 2011
Human Rights Advocate – Arthur Taylor – Real Prison Breaks from s01e05 Supermax Paremoremo
Edited from Real Prison Breaks, featuring Arthur.
Arthur Taylor brokers peaceful rearrest of fugitive James Bryant using helicopter |
A fugitive has been helicoptered out of dense Otago bush aided by notorious career criminal Arthur Taylor, who brokered a peaceful arrest.
Arthur Taylor on life outside of prison
Arthur Taylor, who was released from prison today after a 14-year stint inside, and his supporter Hazel Heal join Checkpoint presenter Lisa Owen live in our Auckland studio.
Human Rights Advocate – Arthur Taylor – Interview 30 May 2020 – Part 1 – The Crack Cop
Arthur tells us about the Cop that see cracks and issues tickets, this interview was recorded just 3 days before he was taken back to Prison, he is now out currently.
Sparthur Taylor – Otago Law Revue 2019
Arthur Taylor on gangs
Career criminal and jailhouse lawyer Arthur Taylor says gangs “call the shots” in prison and prisoners are forced to join gangs just to survive.
An Update from Arthur Taylor – 22 November 2020 – Sylvia Park Mall
We catch up with Arthur for an impromptu snap interview at Sylvia Park Mall.
Arthur Taylor chooses his first meal after leaving prison.
Career criminal Arthur Taylor, released from prison today after a 14-year-stint, chooses a ham salad roll over a neenish tart and pie.